ongoing ...  

Posted by MeganH

I was practising getting the spacing between each vertical correct by putting in a nib width "/" before starting each new vertical. (as shown in the scan of an exercise page earlier). The last couple of days I've been trying to do it without inserting the "/"s. I've been down this road before and know that I'll eventually learn it.

But then this morning I remembered Paul A. saying to imagine the empty space, by drawing an imaginary vertical (since the verticals are one p.w. apart), and I'm finding this is a better way of working out where to place the verticals. Imagine one and move the pen along appropriately, then back up a bit because the diamond starts before the vertical and you lay the diamond first.

Written out the colour paints I used for The Second Coming so I can finally put those tubes away. Shouldn't have left it for so long - was sitting there wondering whether the greens were tints or totally different greens (they are different hues).

I've made an exemplar of the Beford Hours and Psalter letters by printing out pages from the mss that I had found, going through and picking out a...z (without k) and cutting out several good clear examples of each. I hope this is the right way to do it.
The B.H. script has alternate forms of a and d, which is different! (as well as r and s)

I'm just starting on the formal script analysis now - been practising Gods with Snow for a few hours and my wrist is aching.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 6:36 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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