I've swopped to using graph paper with a 3 mm (double the Bedford Psalter pen width) square size and it's SO much better and clearer.
I'm using a speedball that is a little bit smaller than 3mm, but close enough.

Apart from some comments on the first version of the A, I'm not putting in stroke directions yet. I need to get more familiar with the more unusual letters and teach myself to build them in Drogin's way, not the easiest way for me (which is putting the vertical lines down first). I'll get there.

The ascenders/descenders shown aren't correct. I'm still practising doing the dip at the top/bottom (well, I'm still practising doing the curve at the top then changing the pen angle to do the diamond at the bottom, never mind the next step - the complete dip at the top). Also, the ascenders are thickened in the B.P. - a bit thicker near the top/bottom (it's be part of constructing the dip, following the left hand line down or up a bit). So letters like the L are not very accurate at the moment.

I also need to make the letters more Bedford Psalter in character. It's got to do with the angularity, and the curvature of the diamonds. At the moment, they are a bit too 'straight'.

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