Historical Embroidery Sampler - Computer Colour Tool  

Posted by MeganH in

Susan, in her blog entry http://plays-with-needles.blogspot.com/2008/06/zoo-inspiration.html
mentions a tool that SharonB originally mentions -
The Color Palette Generator.

Since I am thinking about sitting down with a DMC chart and lots of coloured pictures of embroidery, my ears and eyes rotated in interest.

Here's what I got when I fed in a slip that I had on hand -


And with this flower, (imagine I wanted to do it in satin stitch using these colours)


(5x5 box) it doesn't give me enough colours (there are obviously reds missing)

It's getting the reds in the 7x7 squares,
but far too many other colours.

I'm finding the 5x5 configuration to be giving me the number of colours that I want in the examples I've tried.

So this tool may be useful. It at least shows a good sized block of each colour, instead following a line of cross stitch squares of the colour and I can be selective about the ones I pick.

I may use this in combination with 'hand' picking of colours - I'll see what works best.

converts the Hex numbers to DMC thread numbers.

Thankyou Susan and SharonB!

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