Firstly, me. I'm on some horrendously strong antibiotics atm, and due for 2 operations in 2 weeks. So please forgive me for being so quiet! I have LOTS of blogging to catch up on!
I found this creature on BibliOdyssey - a great source of images.
from the entry -
Woodcut illustrations from Aldrovandi's 'History of Monsters'
I think he'd be lovely to embroider, with some raised work, feather-type stitching in long and short stitch, a bit of gold used to make scales (or are they feathers on his head?). And it'd be fun choosing a historical technique to do his claws....
Or maybe take a Jacobean approach, and throw in a bit of metallic thread as well?
I think that he'd be lots of fun to embroider, in any case! If you check out BibliOdyssey, don't miss the guy with the big ears!