See – I am getting stronger! Two posts in two days!
In “Why Not Embroider Boxes” there are two design choices that have compartments.
Box 1
Box 2
I like Box 2 the best, but I’ve never made a box before, and think that Box 1 might be a better idea for this reason. Reasons of frustration, blood (literally, with an exacto knife), sweat and tears.
I’ve found out that greyboard is only 2mm thick, available from craftstores and you can cut it with an exacto knife (well, that makes it easier that taking it to the hardware store!)
Modifications :
On the left side, insert jagged mountains, with multiple slits in the top of each mountain – to insert rings into.
In the centre, add a piece of heavy/lined material secured only at the top that I can pin my brooches to. (I have a lot of brooches – I use them for shawls and my hair – never as actual brooches). I’m thinking maybe an aqua blue for the material.
The right side can hold anything loose.
To visualize, swop maroon for the red, and maroon/fawn brocade for the Egyptian motifs.