Silver Paillettes  

Posted by MeganH

This is directly from Jane's Chilly Hollow Point Adventures, but I thought I'd put it here as well - Kreinik is now doing silver paillettes "of real metal". (I wonder what that means)

To quote

"Now available: Kreinik Paillettes, which are real-metal sequins, in gold (sizes #7, 12, and 14) and silver (size #7). A paillette (pronounced pie- yette) is basically a flat disc that can be couched onto needlework. They are commonly used in needlepoint, crewel, samplers, costume, historical reproductions, ecclesiastical vestments and other surface embroidery. They add a supreme elegance and unique accent to any project, ranging from ornaments to large tapestries. Paillettes are sold by the gram; amount per gram depends on the size of the paillette. Contact Kreinik."

I've never heard of silver pailletes being available before. Is it just that I'm blind?

This entry was posted on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 9:41 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Hedgehog Handworks has carried silver-plated paillettes for quite a while, but in general I think silver paillettes (and silver threads) are less popular because of the tarnish factor.

December 27, 2010 at 10:41 PM

I Like the tarnishing! Makes the item look older :-)

Thanks for the tip about Hedgehog. I'd rather get them from there than Kreinik. Kreinik just says "modern" to me.

December 28, 2010 at 8:08 PM

You can buy real silver (ie 925 = sterling) as well as silver and gold plated from Benton & Johnson. (Under spangles - another name for this type)I'm seem to think the quantities are per 25 gms

Happy New Year to you!

January 4, 2011 at 2:24 AM

Certainly the "paillette" or "spangle" type produce a more delicate effect than most modern sequins, which I think tend to look a little brash..

The more suppliers, the better!

January 5, 2011 at 4:04 AM

The ones I have are made by Golden Threads of England (, and I love them. They are really fabulous, and I could not ask for better. I have been very impressed by all of the materials that I have worked with from this company, and would highly recommend them to the discerning needleworker.

January 9, 2011 at 3:29 PM

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